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Minnesota lawmakers voted to legalize THC edibles. Some did it accidentally.🥦🔥💨

A new Minnesota law lets people 21 and over buy and consume food and beverages with a small amount of hemp-derived THC, but some legislators might not have fully understood the bill before passing it.




Sugar Daddy

Sugar Daddy is the highly anticipated follow up from comedian Sam Morrison to his debut hour that met critical acclaim at the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe Festival


Finger Lakes CannaMarket

Finger Lakes CannaMarket is continuing to celebrate the legalization of Cannabis in NYS. Featuring NYS's newest CBD and Cannabis businesses, this event is an opportunity to learn more about Cannabis and CBD, get some innovative and exciting products, and celebrate legal cannabis culture in NYS.


The Finger Lakes Music, Comedy, and Cannabis Festival is an annual event to celebrate New York State LEGAL Cannabis culture!

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